What Are Some Signs Of Learning Disabilities

We always guide you about the fact that your child can have neurodevelopmental conditions that profoundly impact how they process, retain, and communicate information. This is about time you understand that this is not laziness or lack of intelligence. In fact, these are signs of learning disabilities

Let’s discuss in detail to make it easier for you to identify which learning disability your child has so that they can promptly get help to thrive both academically and personally.


Learning Disability Signs and Symptoms
Dyslexia Difficulty with reading, spelling, and recognizing words
Dysgraphia Poor handwriting, difficulty with spelling and written expression
Dyscalculia Challenges with understanding and working with numbers
Auditory Processing Disorder Difficulty understanding and processing auditory information
Visual Processing Disorder Challenges with interpreting visual information and spatial relationships
Executive Functioning Deficits Difficulty with organization, planning, and time management
Specific Language Impairment (SLI) Trouble with language development, including grammar and vocabulary

Signs of Reading Disability (Dyslexia)

Dyslexia manifests through challenges in reading, spelling, and writing. However, many parents inadvertently overlook its signs, hindering early detection and intervention. 

The most common signs of a reading learning disability include:

  • Delayed reading development
  • Avoidance of reading and writing
  • Low academic performance relative to intelligence
  • Poor spelling and pronunciation
  • Lack of rhyming skills
  • Frustration and low self-esteem
  • Poor handwriting and grammar
  • Difficulty organizing thoughts in written form
  • Challenges in phonological awareness
  • Difficulty with sequencing

Get in touch with our special education specialists to educate yourself about dyslexia. We’ll also offer professional evaluation and provide emotional support to create a positive learning environment for your child. Rest assured that early intervention, personalized education plans, and the use of multisensory approaches along with assistive tools can significantly improve your child’s ability to overcome dyslexia-related learning disabilities.

Signs of Mathematical Learning Disability (Dyscalculia)

Mathematical learning disability, or dyscalculia, presents challenges in understanding and manipulating numerical concepts. Unfortunately, the majority of parents fail to see its signs, delaying timely intervention.

The most common signs of dyscalculia include:

  • Difficulty understanding and memorizing basic math facts
  • Struggles with counting and number recognition
  • Inability to grasp mathematical concepts and apply them to problem-solving
  • Challenges in understanding and using mathematical symbols and language
  • Poor spatial awareness and difficulty with tasks involving spatial relationships
  • Difficulty sequencing steps in math problem-solving
  • Low academic performance in mathematics relative to intelligence
  • Frustration, anxiety, or avoidance of math-related activities
  • Lack of confidence in mathematical abilities
  • Inconsistent mathematical performance on different tasks

Our special education specialists are available to help you recognize and address dyscalculia. Reach out for professional evaluation and gain valuable insights into effective interventions. Rest assured that our personalized plans and multisensory approaches will enable your child to overcome dyscalculia-related learning challenges.

Signs of Writing Learning Disability (Dysgraphia)

Dysgraphia, a writing learning disability, is characterized by difficulties in handwriting, spelling, and expressing thoughts in written form. Despite its impact, many parents don’t watch out for the signs of dysgraphia, which in turn, delays the required interventions. 

The most common signs of dysgraphia include:

  • Illegible handwriting and inconsistent letter formation
  • Poor spelling skills, even with common and frequently used words
  • Difficulty organizing thoughts coherently in written form
  • Challenges with grammar and punctuation
  • Slow and laborious writing process
  • Difficulty with typing or using a keyboard
  • Avoidance of writing activities
  • Frustration and low self-esteem related to writing tasks
  • Inconsistent performance in written expression compared to verbal abilities
  • Difficulty with note-taking and copying from the board

Connect with our special education specialists to understand dysgraphia better and seek professional evaluation. We are keen to offer all the required support while creating a positive learning environment for your child. Rest assured that our interventions, personalized education plans, and advanced assistive technologies can effectively improve your child’s ability to overcome dysgraphia-related writing disabilities.

Signs of Auditory Processing Disorder (APD):

Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) is a learning disability that affects how the brain processes auditory information. Unfortunately, parents often fail to grasp the signs of APD, which badly impacts their child’s overall life.

The most common signs of APD include:

  • Difficulty understanding speech in noisy environments
  • Misinterpreting or misunderstanding spoken instructions
  • Delayed or inappropriate responses to verbal communication
  • Difficulty following conversations and processing spoken information
  • Challenges with phonological awareness and sound discrimination
  • Struggles with language-based learning tasks
  • Poor performance in spelling and reading comprehension
  • Frustration or avoidance of activities involving auditory processing
  • Difficulty remembering and recalling spoken information
  • Inconsistent academic performance, especially in language-related subjects

Connect with our special education specialists to address APD effectively. Seek professional evaluation and explore strategies, such as auditory training and classroom accommodations, to support your child’s auditory processing needs. Rest assured that our collaborative approach can significantly improve outcomes for your child dealing APD learning disability.

Wrapping Up

Numerous other learning disorders manifest with distinct signs that may go unnoticed by parents. For example, Vosual Processing Disorder (VPD) can result in challenges with visual recognition and spatial understanding, while Nonverbal Learning Disability (NVLD) may impact social cues and spatial tasks. 

You must know the signs of learning disabilities as this is crucial for early intervention. If you observe any of these indicators in your child, our special education specialists are here to help. Don’t hesitate to reach out – together, we can help your child while fostering success and resilience. Contact us today for comprehensive assistance and guidance.